I'm a writer. I write for myself and for whomever needs help. Recently, I've been writing blog posts on subjects from health to design, from entertainment to business.
I have a problem with information overload so my websites are somewhat unique. In all the years that I've been using the web and studying websites, I've come to the conclusion that you decide within the first 15 seconds whether you are interested in clicking further. I try to keep you clicking with color and graphics and pages that aren't overly complex.
It feels like I've been writing forever. I worked with my children on their papers--from elementary school to graduate school. When she was still a student, Elisabeth and I authored and published a book. Thanks, FedEx. By the time she started to write grant proposals, we could communicate via email. What a concept!
Finally, I figured out what I want to be when I grow up. (My mother used to call me Peter Pan.) I'll help you write or write for you. I'll cut out extra words, simplify, add interest, add color, and make your work more readable. I'll edit and proofread or write about topics of your choosing.